Many trains arrive and depart Broken Bow yard. Arrivals are broken down and constructed for various destinations on the railroad. The first photo shows the two trains that remain overnight and are the first to leave each morning. Twice daily passenger trains arrive from Calgary and return. The track at the edge of the table is cleared during these arrivals as it is the inbound track for the passenger train. The fourth track from the left is the Eastbound Mainline and the track next to the stone wall is the Westbound Mainline. There are four double slip switches to facilitate movement from the Mainline and within the yard. The three left tracks curve as shown in the middle picture to the passenger station and two storage tracks as shown in the second photo. The third photo is the Broken Bow Passenger Station. |
Leaving Broken Bow Eastbound is a 2% grade that begins the climb to Bennning. Continuing in the second photo the track levels out as you pass a pig farm on the left. The Benning spur is the home of Imperial foods. The train parks here overnight and starts out in the morning to delivery goods. It returns later, empty for another run tommorow. |
Continuing Eastbound around the peninsula from Benning you pass the backside of the Greatland Sugar Refinery. They are having a family day with a jug band and the kids flying kites. Next you pass the grade crossing at Red Deer with fully operational gates and flashing lights. The third photo shows the three stub tracks at Red Deer. The right stub goes to the Greatland Sugar refinery. A load of sugar beets arrive daily and empties are returned. The center track is for the C.M. St. P.&P. It is a freight house that transfers partial loads to waiting trucks. From here deliveries can also be made to the Spooner Sash & Door Co. A switcher has its home here and moves the empties from these two tracks to the left track for pickup. These empties are delivered back to Broken Bow for distribution. |
Leaving Red Deer is a continuation of the 2% grade climb up to the second level. Bouden and Calgary are on the second level along the wall above and behind Broken Bow. The first photo is the Bouden spur. The second photo is further down the track showing the buildings at Bouden. The Eastbound track is closest to the buildings and the Westbound track nearest the stone wall. In the second picture the Eastbound Mainline branches off to Calgary Station. The third picture is Calgary Station with No. 998 arriving. The passenger train leaves and returns twice daliy to Broken Bow Station. After the second arrival it remains overnight. |
In the first photo, on the mid-level, is the track leaving Calgary. The right track entering the top tunnel portal is the Eastbound track. The left track exiting the tunnel portal is Westbound. Above the upper tunnel portal is an old abandoned coaling facility on the third and top level. Still on the mid-level, the spur to the left is Garrison. Garrison is serviced serviced from a Westbound train. After entering this tunnel portal, the train is out-of-sight for some time. It exits in the center photo on the track against the wall still Eastbound. The third photo is the the beginning and end of the reverse loop at one end of the dog-bone. (You are now into the unfinished zone.) |
The two spurs in the first photo are Nimrod. The center photo is the beginning of the high trestle leaving Nimrod. The third photo is the continuation and end of the high trestle. Just as the train leaves the trestle it enters a section of track that is a reverse loop. It then rejoins the Eastbound track to become the West bound track. |
After leaving Nimrod, a train reenters the mid-level tunnel portal on the Westbound track in the first photo. It travels along the back wall to reemerge on the mid-level left track of the center photo. In the center photo the spur on the second level is Garrison as shown in the third photo. |
Leaving the Garrison area the Westbound track continues on the mid-level behind and above Broken Bow, around the peninsula, back around Broken Bow and arrives at the lower tunnel portal in at which point it enters a three-way turnout and three independent reverse loops.