October, 2011.
The top section contains two stereo pairs of M-Audio BX8a's and the bottom section two M-Audio subwoofers. The middile section is the computer speakers and and the E-MU 1616m PCIe sound module.

May, 2012.
I decided to add MIDI Gadgets Boutique LCD screens. The hwlcd-4 includes two - two line 16 character LCD screens. I have decided to eliminate 8 of the lighted rocker tabs (leaving 24) and mount the LCD screens in the nameboard, two to the left of the tabs and two to the right. This meant a complete rebuild of the NameBoard and rocker tabs.


August, 2012.
Almost done. After years of dreaming of a large church-like console, I have decided to go with the Classic MIDI Works minimal console.

September 19, 2012. Declared FINISHED!! Correction! In May 2013 I decided to update the computer, change the sound module to the Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 and add the Lexicon MX400 sound effects module.